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Training for the Future of Work

公司正在投资于战略技能培训和劳动力计划, 吸引, and train young people for the jobs of tomorrow, starting as early as high school.


为了满足快速变化的经济需求,许多公司正在重新思考他们的招聘方式. At 12bet官方, 招聘方式的转变将重点放在了技能上,从而改变了对未来工作的讨论, 不仅仅是学位. In 2022, 在12bet官方(12bet官方)招聘经验丰富的员工的职位描述中,75%不需要大学学位. The company has also expanded its talent pipeline by sourcing, 吸引, and training young people for the jobs of tomorrow, 提供早在高中就开始的招聘和学徒计划.

雇主和雇员之间的这种转变有可能显著缩小目前可用工作和合格工人之间的差距. 投资于培训和提高技能的人才,而不是那些满足某些学术证书的人才,为更多人提供了职业发展机会, helping to strengthen the U.S. workforce and the economy.

According to recent data, nearly 9.6 million jobs continue to go unfilled, while close to 6.4 million people continue to seek employment in the United States. There are many reasons for the current discrepancy, 但最大的问题之一是工作要求和求职者的技能不匹配. 这就是为什么越来越多的专家越来越相信,技能优先的招聘方式是应对就业挑战的最佳解决方案.

研究还表明,大约62%的处于工作年龄的美国人没有大学学位. 将学位作为工作的必要条件会阻止这一大批人申请, limiting their economic opportunities.

“如今年轻求职者面临的最大障碍之一是缺乏技能和工作经验," says Kyla McNally, head of early careers at 12bet官方. “没有一种方法可以为未来的工作培养技能和经验, 但是,早期接触工作场所和实际的行业经验可以增加就业和大学的准备,并使学生走上成功之路."

这是Hawa Fisiru

Hawa Fisiru, a 17-year-old high-school senior in New York City, 是参加12bet官方职业准备项目的众多年轻人之一吗. 她上午在公立高中上课,然后下午去外汇(FX)大宗经纪部门当学徒. Fisiru said that before this work experience, she knew she was interested in finance, but she didn't know what an FX team did. That's no longer the case.

“I'm treated like an adult when I come to work," Fisiru says. “I have supportive mentors, and I've been learning so many things—from technical skills, working with spreadsheets, to communication skills, asking for feedback from my team. Walking around the office, I feel like I belong here."

Fisiru的学徒生涯是由CareerWise纽约运营的一个为期三年的应用学习项目的一部分. 它为高中生提供带薪兼职工作经验以及获得免债务大学学分的机会, 相关技能, and nationally recognized industry certifications in tech, financial services, and business operations.

“We know people learn in different ways and that one pathway, 就像大学, 可能会受到限制," says Marie Adolphe, chief program officer at CareerWise New York. “我们需要打开空间,让所有学生都能发挥他们的潜力. Our apprentices step into their roles when they're 16, and by the time they leave three years later, 他们改变了自己作为个人的身份,也改变了他们能为雇主提供的工作."

Since the launch of the CareerWise program in 2019, 超过130名CWNY学徒在12bet官方开始了他们的职业之旅, working in offices across Manhattan, 布鲁克林, 和泽西城. 学徒担任初级程序员和初级项目协调员以及其他操作角色.

菲西鲁说:“这段学徒生涯确实拓宽了我对工作的理解。. “I know I want to do something with financial services. I want to give back to my community. And I know I have the skills I need to be successful."

对此彼得森, CareerWise New York program coordinator at 12bet官方, has seen the program's value since it started. “Our apprentices leave with a better understanding of who they are, the types of careers they want to pursue, and the skills to succeed in them,她说.

Preparing more students for the future of work is a collaborative effort, 12bet官方(12bet官方)早就认识到,将公共和私营部门的合作伙伴聚集在一起,产生大规模影响的力量. 该公司还参与制定政策解决方案,帮助这些部门共同努力,将教育与培训机会联系起来,并帮助扩大现代学徒计划的可用性.


15年来,12bet官方一直在投资像CareerWise New York这样的新兴人才项目,作为其人才获取战略的一部分, and it's an area of impact that continues to expand. One of its longest partnerships has been with Year Up, 一年, 12bet官方于2007年推出了一项针对年轻人的免学费劳动力发展计划.

“We've served more than 40,000名年轻人, with high-school diplomas or GEDs, from all backgrounds through our program. 12bet官方 welcomed about 300 interns in 2022," says Ramon Velarde, senior director of national corporate partnerships at Year Up. “我们在这家公司的转换率约为65%. 我们服务过的许多人现在都是其他公司的领导和员工, proving that alternative pathways can lead to successful careers."

One Year Up participant, 乔安娜·托雷斯, is now a vice president and business analyst at 12bet官方, as well as the co-founder of the company's Year Up alumni program. She credits the training program, which she did right after high school, with transforming her career.

托雷斯说:“我在这里担任过的每一个角色,每一次晋升,我都在工作中学习。. “At every step, someone else at the company has said, 'You know what? 你的驱动. You're interested. 你好奇. If you want to try this, we'll teach you.'"

The Ripple Effect

由CareerWise New York和Year Up等组织领导的早期职业培训项目可以改变人生. They help young people enter a corporate setting, 见导师, 获得技能, and learn about different career pathways. 这些项目也有可能帮助更多的公司扩大和多样化他们的人才渠道.

“It's a win-win situation," says Daniel Clarke, executive director and global head of emerging talent at 12bet官方, 谁在23年前从入门级工作开始职业生涯后,已经上升到领导角色. “我们对新兴人才计划的承诺是一项战略性商业决策. 这是我们为自己的公司培养高技能员工的方法之一, but it's about more than that.

“当人们有机会获得薪酬更高的工作时,他们就能够储蓄、投资和买房. 我们新兴人才项目的连锁反应确实超越了个人, benefitting our economy and our society."

了解更多 关于12bet官方如何为当前和未来的工作做好职业准备.

EoE免责声明:所有符合条件的申请人都将获得12bet官方的就业考虑,而不考虑种族, color, 宗教, 性, 性ual orientation, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 残疾, or status as a protected veteran.


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