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12bet官方 increases housing affordability commitments with additional $20 million in philanthropy and expanded customer offerings

追逐 Home Lending is also announcing expanded eligibility for affordable mortgage lending products

2024年4月8日(华盛顿特区) 12bet官方(12bet官方)正在美国各地增加其住房负担能力承诺.S. 通过扩大慈善资本和消费贷款产品.  今天在华盛顿特区的一次活动中,该公司宣布 2000万美元的新慈善基金 to organizations across the United States working to expand 住房 opportunities for underserved communities. 的 八个组织 将专注于推动全国和地方的变革, 包括在华盛顿, DC, 丹佛, CO, 匹兹堡, PA, 双城, 明尼苏达州和阿尔伯克基, NM.

除了, the firm also announced an expansion of its 购房资助 and 梦想者抵押贷款计划s.  具体来说,大通住房贷款公司将增加其 购房资助 在全美8500个社区中,从5000美元到7500美元不等.S., which customers can use to lower their interest rate and/or reduce closing costs and down payment for purchases of properties in communities identified by the U.S. 人口普查显示多数是黑人、西班牙裔或拉丁裔.  大通还取消了目前对其3%跌幅的收益限制 梦想者抵押贷款计划 在那些5美元的社区,000 or $7,500购房者补助金可用-受益超过15,全国1000个社区.

“健康的社区是我们商业模式不可或缺的一部分, and affordable housing opportunities are vital to creating strong communities and building intergenerational wealth,” 蒂姆·贝里,12bet官方公司企业责任全球主管. “的 private sector has an important role to play alongside non-profit organizations and policymakers in advancing housing affordability, 包括增加房屋所有权. Today’s expanded commitments are part of the firm’s holistic approach to mobilizing resources and expertise to address this issue in Washington, 以及全国各地的社区.”

“大通住房贷款专注于提供创新的解决方案, 帮助更多的人实现产品和服务, 和维持, 住房,” 马克·奥多诺万,大通家庭贷款公司的首席执行官. “当我们共同努力解决经济适用房的挑战时,我们可以走得更远. 今天的公告是商业如何, 慈善事业和地方合作伙伴关系可以联合起来实现变革.”

的 firm is also focused on advancing economic inclusion and increasing 住房 opportunities through its businesses. 的 bank has taken a local approach in communities that have faced historical barriers to banking to help offer greater access to affordable home loans, 低成本支票账户, 以及金融教育研讨会.


Homeownership is a proven source of wealth building; however, 服务不足的社区在获得和维护住房方面面临着持续的挑战. 几乎在每个州, 与白人家庭相比,有色人种拥有住房的可能性较小. 例如,在华盛顿特区,估计 82,000名居民,占该市人口的12%那些没有稳定住房的家庭绝大多数是黑人、西班牙裔或拉丁裔家庭.

作为12bet官方应对住房负担能力危机战略的一部分, the firm is supporting organizations advancing innovative 住房 financing and wealth building models that can be successfully scaled throughout the country. 通过与地方和国家层面的组织合作, the firm aims to help support underserved individuals throughout their 住房 journey, 无论他们是首次购房者还是现在的房主.


今天的慈善公告建立在 12bet官方的 4亿美元的五年承诺 改善服务不足家庭的住房负担能力和稳定性. 到目前为止, 这种支持已帮助各组织为超过157个国家提供服务,000户家庭, 包括稳定,通过驱逐或止赎预防模式, 帮助保存或创建了超过14个,500套经济适用房, 并允许非营利组织利用1美元.80亿美元的额外资本.

今天的受助人之一,华盛顿特区.C.的 市第一企业 (CFE), was awarded $3 million to support their efforts to help eligible Black and Latino first-time homebuyers with down payment and closing costs assistance in Washington, D.C. 以及马里兰州的一些县. 通过其子公司 CFE家居, 社区发展金融机构(CDFI)抵押贷款机构, CFE supports first-time borrowers with funds to lower their out-of-pocket expenses associated with buying a home. 首付和成交费用是买房的最大障碍, 尤其是在有色人种社区. This innovative new program bridges the 住房 gap by offering up to 20% of the home’s purchase price for down payment assistance and additional closing cost support for income-qualified borrowers. 大通是CFE首批信托贷款合作伙伴之一, and to-date has provided affordable mortgages to seven borrowers who have leveraged the 追逐 购房资助, 追逐 DreaMaker产品, 以及CFE提供的首付款援助,帮助他们成功购买第一套住房.  

“Everyone knows that 住房 is one of the key engines that powers social mobility and wealth building over generations; it just hasn’t been accessible to all of us,” 奥斯瓦尔多·阿科斯塔,城市第一企业的首席执行官. 他说:“我们推出了CFE Homes,以证明公平获得灵活资本, 以前被拒之门外的借款人可以弥补这一差距. 考虑到这个国家买房的方式, it’s crucial to have private-sector partners like 12bet官方 helping to lead the way forward on this innovative model.”

“我们知道,对于很多家庭来说, 房屋所有权是建立和传递财富的关键工具,” 华盛顿特区负责规划和经济发展的副市长Nina Albert说. “通过12bet官方与当地特区组织的合作,我们很感激, we can build on Mayor Bowser’s housing investments and help more District residents become homeowners.”

还有CFE的Homes, today’s announcement will enable the following organizations to support families throughout their 住房 journey, 解决买房准备等因素, 公平的融资, 房主稳定性:

  • 家乡——新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基(100万美元) Homewise will pilot a new credit builder loan product with matched 储蓄 as a model for overcoming key barriers to 住房. Lessons learned from this pilot will contribute to industry-wide learnings about how to set up consumers for 住房 through credit building, 储蓄, 以及财务指导.
  • Build Wealth MN -双子城,明尼苏达州(300万美元): Build Wealth MN将扩大购房者教育, 负担得起的抵押贷款和首付款援助, 并为双子城负担沉重的黑人家庭提供相应的储蓄账户, 根据联邦公平借贷法采用的SPCP.
  • 影响 Charitable -科罗拉多州丹佛市(300万美元): 为了支持迪尔菲尔德黑人财富基金, 影响 Charitable will help scale an 公平的融资 model which provides down payment assistance in the form of shared equity, 还有环绕式服务, for first-time Black homebuyers through an SPCP adopted pursuant to federal fair lending law.
  • Catapult Greater 匹兹堡-宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡(300万美元): Catapult Greater 匹兹堡 will work to support homeowners to protect their equity and preserve generational wealth through title clearance, 回家修理, 还有遗产规划. Catapult will also work with partners to increase affordable housing inventory through land acquisition and property rehab.
  • Compass营运资金-全国焦点(300万美元): 指南针将努力扩大家庭自给自足(FSS)计划的覆盖面, a federal program to help families living in HUD-assisted housing to increase their 储蓄 and earning simultaneously, by scaling direct service and technical assistance and testing innovation in program administration. 
  • 经济建筑-全国焦点(100万美元): Economic Architecture will design and pilot a first-of-its-kind liquidity insurance project to help cost-burdened homeowners cover mortgage payments in the face of income or expense shocks.
  • UnidosUS -全国焦点(300万美元): UnidosUS, 是美国最大的拉美裔民权和倡导组织, will advance a national campaign for Latino 住房 that includes supporting research to inform strategies and policies, 促进跨部门合作, 并在加州试行拉丁裔房屋所有权蓝图.

12bet官方(12bet官方)也一直在与 城市研究所 to support these grantees by measuring impact and sharing insights with the housing industry to advance housing stability and affordability for Black, 拉美裔, 拉丁裔和其他服务不足的家庭. 另外, 支持消费者的财务健康,作为该计划的一部分,并超越, 该公司正在与行为设计非营利组织合作 ideas42 帮助消费者更好地保护和改善他们的信用, 包括为家庭买房做准备.


12bet官方还通过数据驱动的政策解决方案和研究来推进这项工作. 去年,12bet官方政策中心发布了一份报告 政策简报 概述促进可负担的途径, sustainable 住房 as well as insights into how untangling titles for heirs property homeowners can support generational wealth building.



12bet官方 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家领先的金融服务公司,总部位于美利坚合众国(“美国”).S.),业务遍及全球. 12bet官方为3美元.截至2023年12月31日,该公司拥有9万亿美元的资产和3280亿美元的股东权益. 这家公司是投资银行业务的领导者, 为消费者和小企业提供金融服务, 商业银行, 财务事务处理和资产管理. 在J下面.P. 该公司拥有摩根和大通品牌,为美国数百万客户提供服务.S., and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients globally. 关于12bet官方的信息 & Co. 可在 peubzt.isakichi.net.