

FarmHouse Fresh – a natural skincare company that also runs an animal sanctuary – sells products from 达拉斯 to Dubai with support from JP摩根追逐.


Lots of small business owners dream of having a celebrity endorse one of their products. 但这种高调的赞誉可能是一把双刃剑.

That was the case for Shannon McLinden, founder of FarmHouse Fresh in McKinney, 德州. Her company’s foot scrub landed on a popular celebrity’s “best gifts” list in 2007— and demand for products skyrocketed overnight.

“场面很混乱,”麦克林登说. “我们仍然在家里经营生意, 我们到处跑, 还在用我大学时的打印机. I remember asking my husband whether we could afford to buy a laser printer.”

麦克林登从混乱中逃了出来. 近20年后, FarmHouse Fresh is a thriving natural skincare business with $50 million in annual sales at retail value and almost 80 employees. The company grows the microgreens that power its organic products at its 10-acre farm, which also houses the company’s headquarters and a nonprofit sanctuary for neglected animals.

农家乐的业务范围远远超出了德克萨斯州. It sells its skincare products through wholesale and retail channels, 包括世界各地的高端水疗中心和酒店. The company donates 10 percent or more of its profits—approximately $850,000 in 2023—to animal rescue organizations and to provide critical care for the farm animals at its sanctuary. 把目的和利益结合起来, FarmHouse Fresh lives out its motto of “rescue for two”—helping complexions across the world and caring for animals in need.


像许多成功的创业者一样, McLinden knew her strengths; perhaps more importantly, she also knew where she needed to bring in outside expertise to help sustain her company’s growth. 她的产品显然很受欢迎, but McLinden was keenly aware that with the right financing and a little guidance, FarmHouse Fresh could scale its impact and become an iconic skincare brand.

A long-time 追逐 customer, McLinden decided to open a business banking account at her local branch. That relationship gave her access to a credit line that provided the financial flexibility FarmHouse Fresh needed to grow.

“Having access to a credit line that grew with us really helped us take on more opportunities and risks and ultimately set up the business for success,她说。.

As FarmHouse Fresh has flourished, so has its banking relationship. 几年内, FarmHouse Fresh transitioned its small business account to a commercial banking account with JP摩根追逐. 一直以来, 麦克林登与她的银行家关系密切, 克里斯蒂娜布朗, 谁在多个方面支持业务.

“克里斯蒂娜问我关于这个品牌的方方面面, and then recommends things that I wouldn’t even know to ask about,麦克林登说.

例如, 2020年COVID-19大流行爆发时, Brown and McLinden worked together to pivot the FarmHouse Fresh business model. They worked with FarmHouse Fresh’s spa clients to market directly to individual customers. The company shared a percentage of its revenue with each spa and helped wholesalers ship products, enabling FarmHouse Fresh and its partners to weather the economic storm.

计划成功了. 农家乐不仅留住了所有的客户, 但它也创造了一个蓬勃发展的消费零售部门.

“他们最初并没有瞄准消费市场, 但在大流行之后, they knew they had the funds and orders to maintain that business,布朗说. “我们很高兴能支持它.”


布朗不仅仅是一个想法的传声筒. She also helped FarmHouse Fresh streamline its payments and update its cybersecurity and fraud defenses for better account protection.

Beyond serving their banking needs, Brown is proud to support FarmHouse’s mission and values. 去年年底, she brought her entire JP摩根追逐 team to the farm to volunteer with the animals for a day.

“It was such a natural cultural fit for us to be there,布朗说. “我们非常热衷于回馈社区, 我们的文化和他们的文化融合得很好. 你可以从所有员工身上感受到, whether we were cleaning out hay in the horse stalls or sitting at the table for lunch.”

McLinden says her relationship with JP摩根追逐 has grown because she’s been able to be so open and trusting with Brown and her team. She advises other business owners to do the same with their banking partners.

“真的有人在你身边是一件很棒的事情, 谁能告诉你接下来会发生什么,麦克林登说. “企业家, 我们梦想家, 但你需要有人能帮你, 模糊梦想,把它发展成事业.”

See how JP摩根追逐 is helping make a difference in 达拉斯-沃斯堡.



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